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You must understand that the pleasure Sparrow little cigars as well as that of a cigar, is not in obtaining nicotine, but in the aroma of smoke. Therefore, do not take a deep drag, it is better to carefully listen to the taste of tobacco in the mouth and smell.
The choice of Sparrow little cigars will depend on your requirements for the product. For adherents of cigarettes, everyday industrial brands are suitable. Many of them contain fillers and flavors that diversify the taste.

As for the purchase of Sparrow little cigars, fortunately, now you do not need to go to the homeland of tobacco to buy what you need. International trade made sure that there was the widest possible choice anywhere in the world. The best way to buy Sparrow little cigars is to order them through specialized tobacco stores that do not only buy bulk tobacco products and resell them to consumers, but understand the culture and philosophy of smoking, understand the issue and like to share their knowledge and advice.
The culture of cigar smoking is not limited only to the ritual of preparation, ignition, proper shaking of ashes and enjoying the process. This is a whole world of pleasures, filled with several important accessories, including a humidor, which you can buy in our store.

So, the name of the special cigar storage boxes comes from the Latin word humidus, literally meaning “wet”. Indeed, providing a certain percentage of humidity is the main task of humidors. Without loss in quality, it is required for cigars to create storage conditions with a moisture level of 65 to 75%.
You can buy humidors of Sparrow little cigars right away, because it’s in the “native” box of elite brands cigars that will be stored for more than a decade. But in most cases, casket for cigars is bought separately, but it is better if the same brand of cigars is stored in a box, so that their flavor is not mixed with other copies.
The sizes of special boxes can be completely different. For example, there are travel options that hold from 10 to 15 cigars, and large boxes designed for several boxes. You can always ask our consultants and buy a humidor for Sparrow little cigars by contacting our store.