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Virginia Heritage little cigars are made entirely by hand from selected tobaccos. For these Virginia Heritage little cigars, blends have been created to demonstrate the virtues of Nicaraguan tobaccos.
The tobacco composition is well balanced. Spicy cigars with thick aromatic smoke and flavors of caramel, hazelnuts, oriental spices, and rye bread. A worthy choice for the discerning aficionado.

You can buy Virginia Heritage little cigars from our online store at
the best prices for this excellent product.

Virginia Heritage little cigars are made entirely by hand from selected tobaccos. For these Virginia Heritage little cigars, blends have been created to demonstrate the virtues of Nicaraguan tobaccos. The tobacco composition is well balanced. A worthy choice for the discerning aficionado.

The question of the correct smoking of Virginia Heritage little cigars is always relevant, and especially now, when a lot of this kind of tobacco products have appeared on the market.

Probably everyone knows that cigars are not smoked. The question arises about cigarillos or “small cigars” equipped with a filter.
After surfing, we realized that there was no official or medical answer. But there is a recommendation that says:

Virginia Heritage little cigars can be smoked by inhaling the smoke into the lungs. But it is better to smoke them like usual cigars, drawing the smoke only into the mouth for a while.

This recommendation is based on the characteristics of quality cigarillos. The same cigar tobacco is used for their manufacture. Due to its strength and severity, cigar smoke is not intended to be
inhaled into the lungs: nicotine enters the smoker’s body as a result of absorption in the mouth.

Whatever the content of cigar tobacco in specific cigarillos, it is there. Or regular strong and gummy tobacco is used. No manufacturer would call regular cigarettes cigarillos. Therefore, We think it is worth listening to the recommendation on smoking cigarillos.

In any case, you should not smoke filtered cigarillos like regular cigarettes. For example, you can smoke them occasionally, after dessert, alternate deep and cigar puffs, and so on.