The Vasco da Gama Capa de Oro little cigars are made from truly quality and selected Cuban tobaccos.
All components are carefully selected: the binding sheet is from Indonesia, the coverslip is from Honduras, and the filled tobacco is from the Dominican Republic. These strong cigars with a rich and bright taste have a magnificent aroma of bitter coffee with the most delicate notes of cedar. Hand rolling makes the taste of the cigars uniform and the burning very smooth. One of the attractive features of Vasco da Gama Capa de Oro little cigars is a large amount of smoke when smoking and a rich tobacco smell.
Great cigarillos packed in 20 pieces filled with tobacco from Sumatra. Vasco da Gama Capa de Oro little cigars are one of the fastest growing cigar brands and is so far successful in all the countries to which it has been introduced. These cigars are sold in great volumes owing to the price-quality ratio, you can stand them against premium cigars with a much higher price tag and they always stand up.
The Vasco da Gama Capa de Oro little cigars line comes from the cigar experts Arnold André, as do the Clubmaster cigarillos and the cigars from Vasco da Gama, which also come from the renowned tobacco company.
These brands stand for solid smoke at a low price, so that the Arnold André products have positively surprised many aficionados in terms of flavor balance and overall composition. It is worth trying a smoke, especially for fans of flavored cigars.
If you like flavored cigars, you can’t avoid these Vasco da Gama Capa de Oro little cigars. What the Vasco da Gama Capa de Oro little cigars offer here is simply delicious. As a tip: try the Vasco da Gama Tubo Port Wine or the Vasco da Gama Tubo Whiskey, which are also highly recommended among the flavored cigars.
Like cigars, Vasco da Gama Capa de Oro little cigars are not inhaled without a filter. The smoke is absorbed into the oral cavity, where it can develop its aroma before it is slowly blown out again. A smoking lasts about 10 minutes.