Those who buy Talon little cigars will enjoy the regular, silver, menthol, sweet, original, grape, vanilla and cherry aromas. These aromas are improved with filters. The usage of filters is an additional bonus of cigar smoking. Talon little cigars are a kind of hybrid between a cigar and a cigarette. In composition, they are more like a machine cigar. This type of tobacco product is a tobacco leaf casing (less often whole, much more often homogenized), densely packed with shredded tobacco. They are considered a good alternative to cigars for ladies.
Differences between Talon little cigars and cigars: substantially smaller size, cut-off tip, often – the availability of a filter, addition of a flavoring agent (it is not customary to flavor cigars). Difference betweenTalon little cigars and cigarettes: the cutting of tobacco in the filler is significantly thinner, tighter packing, increased nicotine content, the casing is made of tobacco.
The rules for smoking mini-cigars are similar to smoking cigars – their smoke is not drawn into the lungs, enjoying the taste and aroma. Talon little cigars should be smoked without inhaling, which is difficult at first for cigarette lovers. At first, it is permissible to smoke a third in the usual way, and savor the smoke of the rest, as expected, in your mouth, like good brandy or whiskey. Talon little cigars without filters allow you to fully enjoy the strength and aroma of the tobacco mixture. This option will be appreciated by cigar lovers who are accustomed to the abundance of tar and nicotine in the smoke. They do not need to be taught how to properly smoke mini-cigars – the process is no different, except that these tobacco products are smoked faster.
The smoke of Talon little cigars is not intended to be inhaled. Therefore, connoisseurs of cigarettes, before moving on to products that are as close as possible to real cigars, should hone the new technique on products with a filter. Talon little cigars are smoked slowly, in a calm atmosphere – their blend, often flavored with flavoring, is intended for long, unhurried savoring of the tart-spicy taste. This tobacco product is ideally combined with a company of good friends and a glass of your favorite drink. Smoking in a hurry, on the go, is not fun.