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The persons who have no idea what real cigars are often come to us with questions about the brand of Clipper little cigars. They want to be advised how this brand can be distinguished from any other cigar brands.

Clipper little cigars differ from other cigars by size. Usually, their length does not extend eleven centimeters. Such dimensions are pleasant to combine Clipper little cigars with cognac or coffee. The brand has standard tobacco and enriched flavors that are admired by numerous smokers. Someone says that the brand is not pretty popular. No, that is not right. We just do not advertise it too much because the quality of Clipper little cigars advertises itself.

The aromas of Clipper little cigars are unique because they enable the smokers to relax. The saturation with tobacco smoke brings them a feeling of relaxation.

We make it easier for you to choose the right cigar with our cigar advisor. Here you can filter the displayed cigars, for example, by format, strength and country of origin and thus easily and quickly order or pre-order your favorite cigar online and in one of our branches or our headquarters come across a whole new smoking pleasure that has so far remained hidden to you, where we are also happy to personally advise you.

For pleasure newcomers and Aficionados who like to try the variety of the cigar world, we recommend our self-compiled and finely selected Clipper little cigars. We also carry all the well-known and famous brands, as well as our own creations and exquisite annual blends. You will also find the complete, which we carry exclusively as one of a maximum of nationwide partners.

Our clients order these cigars online in our webshop. They sometimes ask us whether it is legal. However, it is quite possible to order tobacco products legally over the Internet. This is not considered a crime, nor is it generally forbidden in the United States. Buying cigars online is legal in the United States. However, the buyer should make sure to order from a reputable online shop. These can be recognized by reputable payment methods and normal prices. A reputable shop can certainly have offers, but these are not unusual junk prices. Our online shop is a right one.