It is no secret that the brand ща Davidoff little cigars is elite. Davidoff little cigars have a long history.
In 1911, Haim Davidoff (Gino’s Jewish father) moved to Geneva, where he took the name Henry. He was a very successful businessman, because in Europe at that time such a business promised great profits. It was a small family business. The whole family participated in the trade, so by adulthood Zinovy already knew about tobacco. In addition, the boy had a natural sensitivity to taste and smell and could distinguish the variety and quality of raw materials.
Having earned money, his father decided to send his son to study abroad. However, since the family still had refugee passports, opportunities were limited and Gino could only go to Argentina. While studying abroad, he surprised many with his sharp mind. The boy became interested in growing tobacco and everything related to its production. Many farmers were delighted by the boy’s curiosity and were eager to share their secrets.
Zino traveled all over Argentina in search of information, soaking up new knowledge that further helped him understand the right production of Davidoff little cigars. When he learned that the real center of tobacco production was in Cuba, he was soon ready to return to his homeland. The young man spent two years on a plantation on Liberty Island, soaking up the water and sun of this unique region and absorbing knowledge like a tobacco leaf.
Soon in the Dominican Republic he began to produce Davidoff little cigars under the brand name Davidoff. It was no longer easy to sell cigars on the European market. So Zino gave his cigars names similar to those of expensive French wines.
According to legend, he said that even though he had great wealth, he could not afford to drink such fine spirits. However, giving cigars such names would encourage people who had collections of such wines in their cellars to buy them.
Davidoff little cigars became associated with wealth and luxury. The richest people in Europe began to buy Davidoff little cigars, and since they were really high-end cigars, their high quality and wonderful smoke flavor did not allow them to regret their decision.