People who buy cigars online from specialty stores or professional dealers are not just buying tobacco products. All cigars are either delivered to the counter or ordered online. When smoking a small cigar, you always want something unusual and at the same time affordable. And this is quite normal for everyone, whether you are a beginner or an experienced smoker. It’s not that you’ve already smoked enough cigars; it’s that you want to try everything the tobacco market has to offer.
Don Stefano Esperanza Sumatra little cigars are machine made short fillers made from 100% tobacco. The well-made cigarillos have a light colored natural Sumatran tobacco wrapper. The filler consists of a harmonious blend of the finest Javanese and Sumatran tobaccos. The binder is made from Javanese tobacco. Don Stefano Esperanza Sumatra Cigarillo Short Cigarillo has moderate nicotine content and a subtle spicy-sweet flavor. Ten cigarillos are placed in a sturdy wooden box.
Asian cigarettes are popular in German and European tobaccos, as well as Caribbean cigarettes. In addition to being spicy, they have a milder flavor. This is what makes tobacco products like Don Stefano Esperanza Sumatra little cigars interesting and appealing. They are enjoyed by beginners, connoisseurs, frequent and occasional smokers alike. Unlike cigars, cigarillos are less demanding and can be enjoyed in a supporting role or in between.
Don Stefano Esperanza Sumatra little cigars are machine-made products with a fairly mild, sweetish flavor. The wrapper is made on the island of Sumatra, the binder is made on the island of Java, and the filler blend is made from Havana and Javanese tobaccos. As a result, the cigar has a rich, faceted flavor that can be enjoyed even with short smokes, although it is far from a cigar. With a length of 90mm and a diameter of almost 10mm, it is a classic type of cigarillo. It is good value for money and comes in two packs that can be purchased regularly.
Tradition since 1895 – this is the hallmark of Germany’s oldest tobacco company. Since time immemorial, the Linn family has been synonymous with passion for the highest quality and products. This is the opinion of all the experts who praise the quality of all Little Cigar brands. Their opinion allows us to recommend them to our customers.