Discover the world of little cigars and enjoy the unrivaled aroma and taste of quality cigars. Our selection features cigars from the best regions of the world including Cuba, Nicaragua and Honduras. Whether you are an experienced smoker or new to the world of cigars, we have cigars in all price ranges and flavors.
We offer a wide variety of little cigars from famous brands. Neos Mini Red little cigars are a carefully selected blend of Virginia and Burley, as well as the famous Beskirappa from the island of Java, make it possible to create the unique flavor of Neos Mini Red little cigars. The special flavor is complemented by notes of bourbon vanilla. Enjoy the vanilla.
Neos Mini Red little cigars are a very delicate tobacco, a blend of selected Burley and Virginia varieties with a hint of bourbon vanilla, encrusted with a wrapper from the island of Java.
A carefully selected blend of Burley and Virginia with a fine Javanese Beski wrapper makes possible the unique flavor of Neos Mini Red little cigars. In addition to the Vanilla flavor, a Mango flavor is also available.
As soon as you open the red box, you are immediately seduced by the delicate vanilla flavor. Neos Mini Red little cigars are virtually invisible when smoking, and can be smoked almost like flavorless cigarettes. The filter is only 8mm in diameter and 84mm long, making it quick and easy to enjoy a short smoke.
Neos Mini Red Filter cigarillos with their subtle flavor are perfect for a quick snack in between. For example, they go well with coffee lattes.
Ordering of those tobacco products in our online shop is useful for numerous motives.
Our online stores provide an extensive variety of products, consisting of one-of-a-kind variations of these branded little cigars. You aren’t confined to what’s to be had in local stores and may select your preferred collections and flavors.
By ordering through our online store, you may order from everywhere and each time. There may be no want to visit a store or look for the right choice, which saves you time and effort.
Our on-line shops will supply your order for your door. This is a fast and convenient way to receive your order without having to select the product yourself.