The Vandermaliere family has been producing J. Cortes little cigars in Belgium since 1926, which are sold under the name J. Cortes and are not only very popular with connoisseurs.
The family has placed great value on first-class goods since the start of production, which is mainly done by machine. Because only selected and high-quality tobacco varieties, primarily from the growing areas of Java, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, are processed. The recipes of J. Cortes little cigars have been preserved from then until today.
The J. Cortes little cigars embody a balanced composition of tobacco from Java, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, paired with a binder also from the Dominican Republic and wrapped in a Connecticut Shade wrapper.
These gentle J. Cortes little cigars are called a delicate, gentle and naturally sweet taste that reveals itself fully when enjoyed. In addition, these cigars have an excellent price-quality ratio. A delight that you can experience anew every day and that everyone can afford.
The small format of J. Cortes little cigars is also impressive, with its length of 85 mm and a thickness of 7.8 mm only one Idea is bigger than a traditional cigarette. This small cigar is packed to 10 pieces in a flat tin box.
The Dominican J. Cortes little cigars are quite mild in taste and now and then there are fruity aromas. The taste is clearly different from comparable cigars, but really interesting. The price of the cigarillos has it all, but I have to say that it is really worth spending the money.
The Honduras line of J. Cortes little cigars offers a full-bodied smoke flavor.
Nuances of nuts and chocolate are represented, but do not make you into a sweet cigarillo, it is gentle, but spicy at the same time.
The classic blue series of J. Cortes little cigars was so well received that the Vandermarliere family decided to launch a second cigarillos series. The new series should be stronger than the “Blue” series and so the J. Cortes Honduras Mini was born.
A full aroma and medium strength make J. Cortes little cigars perfect for beginners as well as experienced smokers.