The puristic version of the new Mac Baren little cigars is not flavored. Otherwise, it is just as big as the vanillas and comes in the same packaging unit. There are 20 Mac Baren little cigars in a pack.
It is not easy for cigarillos to prevail against their large, discerning relatives, the cigars. Cigarillo enjoyment can also be full of finesse and style. This is proven by Mac Baren little cigars, which are in a class of their own. Once and for all they dispel the prejudice that small short fillers are only for laypeople or for hasty smoking in between.
At Mac Baren little cigars Original Choice, the manufacturer relies on high-quality pipe tobacco for the insert. The classic Burley and Virginia tobaccos harmonize perfectly with each other and stand for a smoking experience of the subtle, at the same time aromatic kind. The scent of the pipe tobacco unfolds itself in a seductive way even with the short smoking time and harmonises with sweetish, finely spicy tones. These are thanks to the noble wrapper, a Connecticut shade from Ecuador. The Original Choice Mac Baren little cigars from Mac Baren flatter the connoisseur with both taste and the fragrances.
The Original Choice Mac Baren little cigars with filter stand for a velvety smoking pleasure that lingers pleasantly for a long time. They are 90 mm long and 8.3 mm in diameter, making them real small formats. The statement “small but nice” hits the nail on the head with this quality product. Connoisseurs as well as ambitious beginners get their money’s worth.
The Vanilla Choice Mac Baren little cigars are recommended for inexpensive smoking pleasure that hits the nerve of the times and where high quality is by no means compromised. Behind the filter Mac Baren little cigars, there is a pleasant, vanilla-flavored smoke that appeals to a wide audience and takes flavored cigars to a new level.
The Vanilla Choice Filter Mac Baren little cigars contain pipe tobacco of the high quality, perfectly coordinated kind. The choice was made for the varieties Virginia and Burley. The Flavored Cigar also uses an Ecuadorian wrapper. The light, smooth Connecticut Shade refines the cigarillo and completes the harmonious blend.