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Montecristo little cigars brand is actually named after the Count of Monte Cristo. This adventure novel created by Alexander Dumas, published in 1844, is currently the inspiration for the last two editions of Montecristo by Habanos S.A. In March, the Cuban cigar company announced Linea 1935. It has not yet been released, and in February a new cigar landed in Switzerland, which also has links to the book. It is called Montecristo little cigars, the final release of the Edición Limitada Habanos S.A. program. 2016 year. As for the name, it is based on Edmond Dantes, the protagonist of the Count of Monte Cristo.

The wrapper is of course darker than the usual Montecristo No. 2, which is to be expected, given the secondary strip. The fragrance from the wrapper has acid and some dry leaves. The aromas are much sweeter from the start with floral notes, cedar, some chocolate brownie and freshly cut grass. The cold middle continues the trend with a contrasting mixture of floral and pineapple flavors along with dark and fried characteristics that connoisseurs find rather strange for the Cuban, especially in the cold middle. After that there starts a little peach skin and a great taste of popcorn on the finish. Much of this continues in the first third: popcorn, sweet peaches, lots of floral aromas and some sweet tea.

There is a little white pepper on the back of Montecristo little cigars, but the more noticeable taste is the harshness. A mixture of woody flavors takes on a profile, slowly displacing fruit flavors. There is still some sweetness with a toffee flavor appearing along with woody flavors. Towards the end, a decent amount of peach flavor and some popcorn are tasted, but the two aforementioned flavors remain the main attraction. In the last third, peach aromas are completely gone, although there is some berry sweetness. It is earthy and woody with some flavors of potato chips and a little popcorn adding salinity to Montecristo little cigars.