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The traditional family company Woermann from Westphalia has been supplying its specialist retail customers with the finest Woermann little cigars for 128 years. In 2005 Woermann Cigars GmbH also took over the distribution of Charles Fairmorn products. The maintenance of tradition and experience in Woermann little cigars production is still a guarantee for the exclusivity of Woermann little cigars.

Only selected tobacco is used in the processing of fine-flavored, flavorful short filler cigars. These properties make the Woermann little cigars a very pleasant and unforgettable smoking experience. The “Classic Cigars” from Woermann are partly made of 100% tobacco.

Cigars rarely come from Europe, instead they are made in Cuba, the Dominican Republic or Brazil – consequently it is extremely difficult for European cigar connoisseurs to find such treasures. Unless a company from Europe searches for remarkable, as yet unknown cigars, concludes a contract with the manufacturer and then imports the hand-rolled or machine-made cigars.

Woermann Cigars, for example, acts in this function – the company has been supplying its specialist retail customers with the finest Woermann little cigars for more than 130 years. Woermann Cigarillos was founded in 1880 and named after its founder, Heinrich Woermann. Among other things, the company made sure that the San Lotano brand from the manufacturer A. J. Fernandez is also available in Germany. San Lotano has long been one of the top brands in the United States, but it was only in Europe that they first became aware of it when the renowned magazine “cigar aficionado” tested some of the brand cigars and even awarded the San Lotano Habano with 93 points. San Lotano OVAL, on the other hand, received a proud 96 points from the European magazine “Cigar Journal”. So that these high-quality cigars can also be purchased in Europe, Woermann Cigarillos concluded a contract with A. J. Fernandez, which regulates the company’s role as a European importer of the tobacco control room.

Woermann Cigars was thus able to expand its own portfolio of high-quality, excellent Woermann little cigars. The imported cigars are very popular and receive satisfactory reviews from buyers. The assortment not only includes cigars from top brands, but also cigars from unspecified manufacturers with their own Woermann little cigars brand.